All in General Anxiety

Is Exercise A Viable Treatment For Depression?

Exercise has long been viewed as being beneficial for physical health, but in recent years there has been increasing interest in using it as an effective, natural treatment option for mental health issues like depression.

I have noticed that many people who seek treatment in our clinic aren’t aware that exercise can improve their mental well-being. They might view it as a stress reliever or know that they “should” exercise for their overall health, but they don’t have any idea that this form of treatment can be worth considering alongside more traditional therapeutic strategies.

The Growing Childhood Obesity Epidemic

As junk food and technology have become more prevalent in our kid’s lives, physical activity has plummeted – creating a public health crisis that needs to be addressed. With this unhealthy trend intensifying each year, it is essential to take action now before future generations are subjected to its damaging effects.

Social Skills Group Spring 2023

The Children’s Center for Psychiatry, Psychology and Related Services is offering a Social Skills group facilitated by Terri Samuels, MS and Marsha Glines, PhD. Groups will focus on developing positive relationships, improving healthy coping skills and facilitating social communication.

Jerome Siegmeister, MD, MaED – Consult The Expert On Why You Can’t Focus

Lately, likely due to the increased coverage on television and in social media, many people have been coming in to see me saying they have poor attention, they can’t focus, and they think they may have ADHD. Some do, some don’t.

While individuals may feel like they can’t focus, not everyone who comes in needs treatment specific to that complaint.  An inability to focus is frequently due to depression or anxiety, or other things going on in their lives that are affecting their ability to concentrate. Treating for ADHD when that is not the primary issue can make the actual problem worse.

How To Reduce Holiday Stress

From going to festive events we may have little interest in attending, to having to make room for extra family members or guests in our homes, the pressures of the holidays can weigh heavy on mental wellbeing.

Finding meaningful ways to manage these stressors, such as setting boundaries and taking mental health days off from shopping sprees or other errands, can help to reduce these pressures and make this season a bit more enjoyable.

Seth Grobman, Psy.D – Consult The Expert On Telehealth Visits

For this month’s Consult The Expert interview, I spoke with Seth Grobman, Psy.D., a clinical psychologist here at The Anxiety Center. Dr. Grobman has been practicing traditionally for more than twenty years. When the covid pandemic hit, he pivoted to telehealth so he could continue to treat patients during the shutdowns.

Today, telehealth is still very much a part of his practice, as it is with the other clinicians in my office.

Brittany Schulman, Psy.D – Consult The Expert On ADHD

For this month’s Consult The Expert interview, I spoke with Brittany Schulman, Psy.D. She is a licensed clinical psychologist here at the Center and has a special interest in the diagnosis and treatment of Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD).

Most of us have heard about ADHD, but may have only a vague understanding of the condition, so I asked Dr. Schulman to tell us what ADHD encompasses.

Bump or monkeypox, cough or COVID-19: Am I seriously sick or am I living in 2022?

Fever, chills, bumps, rashes, sore throat, sniffles, headache, oh my – could having any of these symptoms mean you might be seriously ill?

In the age of COVID-19, and now monkeypox, experts have seen a rise in people experiencing anxious feelings about their health. Social media and the internet – and therefore self-consulted medical advice – exacerbate these worries.

Pandemic Fatigue: How To Stay Mentally Healthy In The Covid Era

As 2020 draws to a close, many of us are experiencing pandemic fatigue. We’re all tired of wearing masks and social distancing. Most of us just want to go back to traveling, enjoying time with family and friends, and the normal world we used to know. This is the time when it is so important for our mental health that we keep a positive outlook and not allow boredom and pessimism to creep in.

Getting to Know Anxiety

Written by two mental health experts with nearly eight decades of patient treatment between them, Getting to Know Anxiety describes the basics of anxiety and anxiety disorders in down-to-earth language. In it, Drs. Rosen and Gross offer readers an overview of today’s challenging mental health issues and the most current treatment methods available, as well as practical strategies for mental and emotional self-care.